BlueCielo TeamWork 2012 User's Guide | BlueCielo ECM Solutions

You are here: About briefcases > Adding documents to a briefcase

Adding documents to a briefcase

You can add documents to an existing briefcase or create a new one from a template configured by a system administrator.

To add documents to a briefcase:

  1. Select the documents to add and then click Add to Briefcase on the Document menu. The Select Briefcase dialog box appears.

Note    To add the entire contents of a folder to a briefcase, first select the folder and then click Add to Briefcase on the Folder menu.

  1. To add the documents to an existing briefcase, select the briefcase from the list and click Select. The Add to Briefcase dialog box appears. Select options using the descriptions in the following table and click OK. The documents are added to the briefcase and the Briefcase dialog box appears, showing the current contents. Continue in step 7.

    To add the documents to a new briefcase, continue in step 3.
Add to Briefcase options
Option Description

Check out and include current revision

The current revisions of the selected documents are locked to the briefcase. Documents in this state cannot be edited unless you unlock them with the correct security privileges or return them with the Import Briefcase command. An entry is added to the Comment document log to indicate the action taken.

Only include current revision

The current revisions of the selected documents are copied to the briefcase and are not locked. An entry is added to the Comment document log to indicate the action taken.

Only include last released revision

Only the last released revisions of documents are added to the briefcase. Documents in workflows are ignored.

Include CAD references

Copies CAD external reference files to the briefcase.

Include drawing and presentation files

Copies Autodesk Inventor drawing and presentation files to the briefcase.

Include custom references

Copies documents that use custom reference types to the briefcase.

Check out referenced documents

Checks out all referenced documents that are copied to the briefcase.

  1. To create a new briefcase, click the downward-pointing arrowhead button next to the Create Briefcase button . A list of briefcase templates opens under the button.

Note    Consult with a system administrator for the purposes of each briefcase template and the names of briefcase templates that are configured to use custom formats such as ZIP or RAR.

  1. Select a template from the list. The Create Briefcase dialog box appears.
  2. Select a destination folder, type the name of the new briefcase, and click Save. The Add to Briefcase dialog box appears.
  3. Select options in Action and References using the descriptions in the preceding table and click OK. The selected documents are added to the briefcase and the Briefcase dialog box appears, showing the current contents.
  4. If you selected an existing briefcase that uses a custom format or created a new briefcase from a template configured to use a custom format, click the Archive Briefcase button to save the contents of the briefcase in the custom format. See the following table for descriptions of the buttons in the Briefcase dialog.
  5. Select a document in the briefcase and click Go to to close the briefcase and automatically select the source document in the vault. Click Close to close the briefcase without selecting a different document in the vault.

The following table describes the purposes of the buttons in the Briefcase dialog.

Briefcase dialog buttons
Button Description

Select a briefcase to open.

Display the properties of the briefcase, including its password, comments, template, and document quantity.

Select documents to add to the briefcase.

Delete selected documents from the briefcase.

Open the selected documents in the viewer.

Note    Viewing some document formats (for example, Autodesk Inventor) in a briefcase might create lock files (*.lck) in the briefcase.

Compare the selected document in the briefcase with the revision currently in the TeamWork vault.

Display all of the vault properties of the selected document.

Display which of the vault properties are included in the briefcase.

Update the briefcase properties from the vault.

Generates a transmittal sheet (report) listing the briefcase contents. The report is created in the briefcase and stored in the vault. The report can be configured to be updated if the contents of the briefcase changes. Consult a system administrator for information on the configuration of transmittal reports.

Saves the contents of the current briefcase in a standard archive format.

Opens the default email program, allowing you to send a message with the briefcase as an attachment.

Exports the database structure of a briefcase for use with other briefcase templates. Only supports Microsoft Access.

Import the database structure from a database file. Only supports Microsoft Access.

Related concepts

About briefcases

Related tasks

Viewing a briefcase

Creating a briefcase transmittal document

Importing documents from a briefcase

Understanding property values of imported documents

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